What are we going to do with Trump People??

You know? I was talking to the Mooch recently (he’s got some free time), and so we were kicking around some ideas. Even though their numbers dwindle every day, Trump People® are a National Resource™ that WE can put to good use! Here are a couple of ideas we came up with… you know, spitballs… to run up the flag poll and see if they get any fascist salutes. 1) Enslave them. They’re always complaining about the lack of jobs. This’ll keep ‘em busy! 2) Gas them. They want America to be energy independent. Derrrr… Let’s show them our surplus! 3) Lynch them. They’ve been hanging around way too long. Let’s give them a step (stool) up. Temporarily! 4) Exterminate them. The Right-To-Life only extends to fetuses. Once they’re born, Trump People® on their own!

As the Mooch said, “This is a marriage made in heaven!!… Or someplace else.” The round-up of Trump People® begins in 24 hours. Tell your friends… And after that… tell the Trump People®!!!