“Fabulous Tales and Mythical Beasts”Originally the title of a short piece by Woody Allen, but now our daily existence since January 20th. No matter how weird they get, it is our duty to fight back. 1 The Krackenhead Unleashed2 Fight Them In The Courts3 Fight Them On The Streets4 Fight Them In The Press5 Fight Them At The Ballot6 We Shall Thump Trump #RayHarryhaussen #VIDEO #Kraken #Cyclopes #Harpies #Medusa #Skeletonsoldiers #WinstonChurchill #DonaldTrump #StephenMiller #KellyanneCOnway #SeanSpicer #SteveBannon
Originally the title of a short piece by Woody Allen, but now our daily existence since January 20th. No matter how weird they get, it is our duty to fight back. 1 The Krackenhead Unleashed2 Fight Them In The Courts3 Fight Them On The Streets4 Fight Them In The Press5 Fight Them At The Ballot6 We Shall Thump Trump #RayHarryhaussen #VIDEO #Kraken #Cyclopes #Harpies #Medusa #Skeletonsoldiers #WinstonChurchill #DonaldTrump #StephenMiller #KellyanneCOnway #SeanSpicer #SteveBannon