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The Donald Trump Exit Pool!

It going to be a long four years, but we can try to make it fun by imagining it’s going to be shorter. In just six days, Donald Trump is well on the way to making a mess of the country. It shouldn’t be too long before his actions and plans sink his approval rating to lunatic fringe levels. So I don’t see him making it through his first term. Although it’s alarming to think of Mike Pence as President, Trump’s leaving under a cloud would limit Pence to a caretaker position.

So it’s going to be interesting. But we can make it more interesting by trying to predict when he’s gone. And then bet on it! So your challenge is to guess a contiguous six-month period between now and January 2021.

By commenting below, with your guess, you’re in the pool! You will be provided with a Six-Krueger Note as your bet. Depending on the number of betters, you just might be awash in thousands of Six-Krueger Notes! Six-Krueger Notes are, of course, as good as gold... if gold is an alternative fact.

Alternative Fact Money

Of course, just picking the time he’s out is simply not fun enough. So you are allowed to pick the reason why he’s gone. Here are some suggestions…

Alternative Fact Money

  • 1) IMPEACHMENT. (and conviction) For high crimes and misdemeanors resulting from his actions with foreign governments.

  • 2) IMPEACHMENT. (and conviction) For high crimes and misdemeanors resulting from his actions domestically.

  • 3) RESIGNATION. From boredom. Because being President turns out to be not as fun as being a loudmouthed, plutocratic playboy in New York.

  • 4) RESIGNATION. From fear. Because his bozo sons don’t know how to run the family business.

  • 5) DEATH. By bullet. The Secret Service can protect him from assassins. But if he tries to launch a nuclear strike against Iran or North Korea or, for chrissake, France or Germany, it will be a heroic Secret Service agent who plugs him before he can.

  • 6) DEATH. By disease. From cardiac arrest for eating one taco bowl too many.

  • 7) DEATH. By divine intervention. Because his hair has had enough of this, and reaches down to strangle him where he stands.

Feel free to invent your own reasons. Be as outlandish as you like. The bet is for the date only. Face it, life is a gamble… Why not bet on something you’d like to see happen?


The Rules

One bet only! Don’t try to sneak another one in... Doing Our Part to prevent Better Fraud™. And no changees! It is what it is. So don’t take your finger off until you’re ready to move.

By placing your comment below* with your prediction you are automatically enrolled. If Donald Trump exits the Presidency for whatever reason on a day in a month that you have bet on, you will receive the Six-Krueger Notes of all the other “players.” If the date of departure ends up being selected by more than one better due to overlapping bets, the Six-Krueger Notes will be divided between the winners. A pair of scissors has already been selected for this possibility.

As the winner, you may choose to take these notes to a nearby coffee shop and using them and the price for a cup of coffee—enjoy a cup of coffee thinking about how clever you are.

“But what happens if Donald Trump makes it toJanuary 20, 2021?” you might well ask. come on!... But... if he did, it’s more than likely that the country wouldn’t. So it’s a moot point.

Place your bets! * To comment, go to this Government in Exile on Facebook link.

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Government in Exile

bfk is a satirical writer living in New York City.

Every now and then he writes something.

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