A Modest Reprisal
I must admit: I am very prejudiced against bigots.
I don’t want them moving into my neighborhood; I wouldn’t let my daughter marry one; they’re really lazy and they complain about practically everything; they think this country owes them a free ride; they’re not capable of any education beyond… I don’t know…what?… seventh or eighth grade??; they follow incendiary leaders who push pap into their brainless heads; and they have this strong inclination towards armed violence. So the best place for them, really, is in our federal penitentiaries. Since we’re finally going to release non-violent marijuana offenders, there’s going to be a hell of a lot of room where we can put these losers.
AND… there’s always Guantanamo!
I don’t know. There seems to be more bigots around than usual. Are these people breeding? No wonder they don’t like Planned Parenthood. A little planning would eliminate most of this problem, I think. I don’t want to be mean, but listen: if a bigot asks me for directions? I’m going to give him the wrong ones. Just because I don’t like him and I can. Sue me. I suppose if they would just stick to their own kind.. And stay in their own neighborhoods… Then MAYBE we could co-exist. Just so long as we don’t have to put up with all those beer-bellies and all that spandex all over the place. And that horrible, drawled-out lingo they use, which a real person can’t understand because it’s not even English. I think they’re yelling something about “sex an’ men meant rats”...? I don’t know... I suppose they call it “Murican.” (Unintelligible morons.)
Lucky for them eugenics is a discredited rightwing science. Hey look. I got nothing against most human beings. And I’m very fond of dogs and cats and all other living creatures. But don’t make me deal with these people.
Sorry... That’s it. I’m prejudiced. It would be great if we could simply ship them back to the countries they came from. (But those countries would never take them back because they’re bigots!! They were happy to get rid of them in the first place.
I wish I could say “some of my best friends are…” but I can’t. Because they’re not. Because they’re bigots. Sorry.