You Just Might Be A Capitalist!
A teachable moment for Joe Scarborough, who needs to know. (With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy.)
State of the Union. Exclusive Preview
Despite an unusually fractious month, Donald Trump has resolved to address his still loyal supporters. Below is a transcript of that...
The Weirdfather
"Someday, and that day may never come…" Donald Trump talks to the wrong Mafia. #VitoCorleone #DonaldTrump #FoxFriends #Collusion...
Make America Fine and Dandy Again
Did you miss Donald Trump’s foreign policy statement? You didn’t miss anything… #VIDEO #DonaldTrump #NationalSecurityStrategy...
BFK-tel's Trump on Tour, 2017
He was gone. But not forgotten. #DonaldTrump #RoyMoore #VladimirPutin #RodrigoDuterte #KimJungUn #VIDEO
What are we going to do with Trump People??
You know? I was talking to the Mooch recently (he’s got some free time), and so we were kicking around some ideas. Even though their...
The Trump Dump
It takes a Trump to know a dump. #DonaldTrump #WhiteHouse #SportsIllustrated #RealDonaldDump #VIDEO
“Fabulous Tales and Mythical Beasts”
Originally the title of a short piece by Woody Allen, but now our daily existence since January 20th. No matter how weird they get, it is...
Donald’s The Menace™
Donald Trump as Dennis The Menace.
The Donald Trump Exit Pool!
It going to be a long four years, but we can try to make it fun by imagining it’s going to be shorter. In just six days, Donald Trump is...