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Stage of bfk's Oedipus; Red Figure Icons; Polyneices; Antigone; The Bureaucrat; The Shepherd; The Messenger;  Joacasta; Tiresias; Creon; The Voice of Apollo; The Sphinx; Oedipus; Laius.

Two generations before the Trojan War, the City of  Thebes is suffering.  A plague has begun to infect and kill  its citizens.  But why?  The word from the Delphic oracle reveals that the pestilence is divine retribution’s for regicide—the murder of the former king, Laius. Somehow the culprit remains on the loose sixteen years later. Whoever and wherever he is, he must be brought to justice.

Fortunately for the city, Oedipus is now the king of  Thebes and he is on the case.  Not the son of a god like Perseus, this Greek hero is merely an extraordinary human being, an immigrant from Corinth.  Famous throughout Hellas for having solved the riddle of the Sphinx and causing her destruction, Oedipus is up to the job.  Riddles and mysteries are his speciality. The citizens know he will pursue his relentless investigation into the brutal murder of Laius until the killer is found and punished.

Aristotle, who knew about these kind of things, was so taken with Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus that he became a charter member of the first fan club. And now, twenty-five centuries later, you can sing along with it.

Production Values

Production Values

Jon Margulies

Sing Muse!

Is this on? Testing... testing?  Hard to believe that the cast of Oedipus have never met each other. But that’s precisely why you’ve never seen them in the same room at the same time.  We can pretend they have, however,  because of the digital stylings that took place at Tribeca Recording between March and September 2007.


Jon was the in-house producer/engineer for Tribeca Recording.When he was not recording music at Tribeca, he performs regularly as a guitarist, vocalist and laptop/electronic artist in a wide variety of settings. He is also the author of a training series for Ableton Live published by VTC. Jon has performed Jazz at the Knitting Factory, medieval music at the Spoleto Festival, and computer music at Burning Man. He has played punk rock at CBGBs, ambient music at the Walker Arts Center and "You Light up My Life" at the Theophilus Divinity School.

Tripartite Sphinx Red Figure Icon
About the Author

About the Author


bfk's Oedipus was  written in 2005, arranged in 2006,  and rehearsed and recorded in 2007 at Tribeca Studios in Manhattan.


bfk is a satirical writer living in New York City. When he's not busy writing operas, he's usually busy not writing satire.

If you wish to read along,

you can download the

Libretto from here.

Choregus Red Figure Icon; Bruce F. Krueger

A two-disc CD with Libretto was produced in 2007 for demonstration purposes only. To obtain a copy or to get more information. use the Contact Form with the mail link below.

bfk is the pseudonym for Bruce F. Krueger

Copyrights © 1971, 1983-85, 1990, 1998-99, 2006, 2007, 2009-2024 by bfk .

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